
Scum Supplies provides detailed statistics, fun facts and senseless bioinformation about the Scumskullz Project – updated in real time.

Busiest contributors

View the most active artists in the Scumskullz collaborative laboratory.

1. sny / gnah.de1077
2. <geldmacher>1022
3. mylander652
4. moutasdeathlink646
5. lowcast634
6. bubu579
7. micky406
8. ann370
9. boner320
10. jyrki314
11. dedbeat420259
12. xoxoh228
13. jackhorror204
14. funky187
15. bäsh186
16. unitedartcity184
17. bogdan@pan.si181
18. schattenwerk.ch169
19. deceem.de164
20. fastofruto162
21. quirk136
22. lex124
23. pierre113
24. jaques104
25. %~%100
26. warrenski99
27. fever95
28. coda87
29. fatzken.com74
29. nebelfeld74

Website usage statistics

Since the pre-launch in November 2003 and the final launch in January 2004 the Scumskullz website attracts a growing community of supporters, collaborators, friends and sympathisers.

Month:Page views:
November 2003 1,396
December 2003 5,534
January 2004 18,311
February 2004 48,676
March 2004 22,364
April 2004 49,765
May 2004 31,629
June 2004 68,322
July 2004 44,386
August 2004 80,354